Governance System

By , August 13, 2009 4:50 am

The democratic value of CIRTD reflected everywhere in its governance system. CIRTD, from the inception itself, works on a delegated work environment. Each and every person in the organization is involved in the process of decision making in a scientifically designed system.

  • The General Body is the Apex Body of primary and other members of CIRTD. It formulates the broad policies of CIRTD and entrusts its execution to the duly elected Executive Body.
  • The Executive Body in consultation with the Advisory Body looks after the fruitful implementation of all the projects, programs, schemes etc. through the General Secretary as the Chief Functionary. The Executive Body is as follows.
  • The Advisory Body is a body constituted with selective eminent & knowledgeable personalities and hired experts and consultants who are consulted time to time as per the need. At present the Advisory Body as follows.
  • The General Secretary is the Chief Executive of the Organization (CEO) who is responsible for the fruitful functioning of the organization in achieving the goal. It looks after the
  • The officiating and general administration through the Office Assistant.
  • The Financial Management and accounting process through the accountant in consultation with the treasurer.
  • All the projects and programs being implemented through the project coordinator assistant project coordinator and project associates. And the grassroot community organizers, many village development volunteers, leaders of People’s Organisations put their best efforts for the success of the mission in realization of the vision of CIRTD.
  • The process of project monitoring is followed by impact analysis, which is a done internally; and external evaluation, done by an external and professional agency.
  • Programme & Project Audit System – is followed to assess and ensure impact of the investment and proper use of human and financial resources and assess the desired impact.
  • Internal & Process Audit System – This is conducted throughout the year in order to ensure accountability in the internal operation of the organization.
  • Statutory Audit – is held by the statutory auditor for finalization of balance sheet and statement of affairs. This is also done to comply with standard statutory norms.
  • External Evaluation & Audit – Impact and outcome of various projects of CIRTD are evaluated by external agency having decades of relevant experience on the subject. Audit reports are discussed with the General Body and the Executive Committee to take suitable and necessary steps if required.
  • Management Information System (MIS) A monthly MIS is prepared and analyzed by the MIS Officers and it is submitted and discussed in Executive Committee meetings for assessing the operational activities and to do future planning.

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