Local Self Governance

By , August 14, 2009 12:47 am

We perceived that the goal of community empowerment and social development are best achieved through greater citizen participation in the grassroots democratic process. The 73rd Constitutional Amendment and PESA have contributed significantly towards improving the roles of Panchayats. But in reality, the local self- governance system is yet to register the desired impact in the grass root and especially in Sundargarh district.

CIRTD took integrated approach for strengthening the self governance. The community volunteers and members of People’s organization were imparted knowledge and skill for taking active participation in the local self governance process. The organisation hold regular meetings and discussions with people on provisions of Panchayati Raj at village and Panchayat levels. At the time of need, we offer capacity building, resource, information, and advocacy support to promote and strengthen the local self-governance process in the operational area and district. Women have been the special focus of these programmes in view of these defined roles in PRI. The following activities were conducted in this year to strengthen the PR System.


  • Meetings and awareness camps
  • Training programme for PRI Members
  • Campaign for Strengthening Palli Sabha & Gram Sabha
  • Interface meeting between MLA, MP, Govt. officials & PRI Members
  • Pre – election voter’s awareness campaign during the Panchayat election 2007

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